21 June 2016

it had to happen -

We bought a riding mower this week, to be delivered on July 2nd. Drat.

It was a great Sears deal - $250 off, then 10%, then 5% more with Sears card.
Add tax and delivery and it's a lesser great deal, but still mighty good.

I hate losing the exercise factor of a push mower, but several parts of the yard have not been mowed even once this year.  And one part wasn't done last year!! Until the two of us are mowing at the same time, the yard will always fall behind with simple maintenance - so this needed to happen.  Maybe we can sell it in a year or two, but for now we'll have a yard with a less forsaken look to it.

This thing may not be able to manage some of the steeper slopes, so the uphill parts can still be done with a walking mower - how nice?

It has headlights too, so we can mow any time we want! 

Neighbors with jobs beware!

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