24 November 2018

chance of rain

So here's a 24-hour expected rain meteogram for our location. 
About 1.9 inches in 24 hours. Oof.

And yes, some rain is expected before and after. We Shall See how this totals up!

21 November 2018

so ends another calm period

And so resumes the autumn!

We are currently over 7 inches low for November - this could bring us almost level!

08 November 2018

first frost..

.. hasn't happened yet.

It's a fun law of thermodynamics that keeps us warmer than the valley floors where I grew up.. or at least became old. Halloween is my 'expected' time of frost, give or take a few days (i.e. whenever the skies clear up between storm fronts). It should be a full moon too, just to be right - and I should be listening to old Uriah Heep tunes!

Oops, mental derailment..
Life at 750' means watching most fog develop below our hill-top, where the cool air sinks and condenses. Cold-air drainage is the real deal, and we watch it frequently when the air-mass is relatively tranquil.

A few weeks back I saw a few light patches of frost in lower Longview, on well-drained bark dust. It didn't really count since it was so limited. They may have frosted last night, as the official readout showed 33° (all 'official' readouts come from at least three feet above ground level) and Scappoose came in at 28°. We stopped here at just under 35° - when I went to bed it was about there, and so it was this morning after several tiny fluctuations.

If the air got colder it slid downhill before reaching my semi-'official' readout on a 5-foot pole. Not much warmer in the hills with this pattern - but enough.

And so we continue to wait for our First Frost.